Various items about the Mayan
Language by David Bolles
Notes on the Maya by David
Combined Dictionary-Concordance of the Mayan Language (33 MB doc)
Combined Vocabularies (25 MB doc)
Cannibalism in Meso-America and amongst the Maya
Coronel’s Discursos Predicables and Doctrina Christiana
Ecab: Village, Port and Province
The Franciscan Relaciones and histories of Landa, Lizana, Cogolludo and Avendaño
Grammar and Anthology (11 MB pdf. Updated: March 2019)
Grammar, Pronunciation Guide Audio
L4 mtDNA Samples in Amongst the Maya of
Landa’s Relacion: Transcript and Facsimile (14 MB pdf)
Lahun Chan (See Table of Contents on page iii for location of article.)
Maya Calendar (See Table of Contents on page iii for location of article.)
The meaning of Kinich and the god G, Kinich Ahau (See Table of Contents on page iii for location of article.)
The meaning of the place name Yucatan
The earliest mention of the place name Yucatan
Na, transcript and translation
On the Trail of Quetzal Coatl / Kukul Can - Summary
Post Conquest Mayan Literature (17 MB pdf)
Post Conquest Mayan Literature, translation (5 MB pdf)
Relationships Between Maya Hieroglyphic Texts And Colonial Texts
Sky Bearers by J. Eric Thompson (See Table of Contents on page iii for location of article.)
Stature amongst the Maya of Yucatan
Ti Can Titzil Caan (“To the four corners of the sky”: 15 MB pdf)
Tzicbaltabi ti In Mama (5 MB pdf)
Various Mayan Texts: 1557-present
Tsicbaloob Yéetel Poemasoob (Ts'ibtabi Tumen
Gladys Wigelmy Sanchez Chan)
Chilam Balam of Chan Cah (24 MB pdf)
Chilam Balam of Chumayel (36 MB pdf)
Chilam Balam of Ixil (33 MB pdf)
Chilam Balam of Kaua (115 MB pdf)
Chilam Balam of Tizimin (7 MB pdf)
Chilam Balam of Tuz Ik (21 MB pdf)
Códice Pérez (48 MB pdf)
Landa’s Relacion, facsimile (9 MB pdf)
Bocabulario de Maya Than de Viena
(3 MB doc)
Maya de Motul (4 MB doc)
Caste War Letters / Tratados de Tzucacab
Chilam Balam of Tuz Ik (21 MB pdf)
Pérez’s Coordinación Alfabética (1 MB doc)
Combined Solana / Motul II /
S.F. Spanish-Mayan (2 MB doc)
de San Francisco, Mayan-Spanish
(2 MB doc)
Diccionario de San Francisco,
Spanish-Maya copied by Berendt
Pío Pérez, Diccionario de la Lengua Maya (4 MB doc)
Ticul 1898 copy by Pío Pérez (1.5 MB doc)
Xiu Chronicles Facsimile and transcript plus commentary (33 MB pdf)
訓民正音 Facsimile and transcript plus commentary
Articles by René Acuña
Escritos Mayas Inéditos by René Acuña
Nuevos Problemas del Popol Vuh by René Acuña
Articles by W. J. Folan
The Economic Development Of The Nootka Sound Area: 1774-1974 by W.J. Folan
Moachat, A Nootkan Village Of Yuquot Vol. 1 by W.J. Folan
Moachat, A Nootkan Village Of Yuquot Vol. 2 by W.J. Folan
Ponencia de Quetzal Coatl / Kukul Can
On the Trail of uetzal Coatl / Kukul Can - Original Full Article
Vorträge und Aufsätze
Schulfarm Insel Scharfenberg
Das Bollehaus Dr.
Wilhelm Blume und Dr. Wolfgang Pewesin
Erntefest, anno 1925 Dr. Wolfgang Pewesin
Neue Scharfenberg Hefte Nrn. 4, 10, 11, 13
Dr. Wolfgang Pewesin
Ein Jahr auf Scharfenberg (1953-1954) Video
Star Class Material
A Pictorial History of the Star Class (12 MB pdf)
Los Pájaros Eran Diferente Entonces
U Tsikbailil Le Ba’ate’el, editado por Antonia Poot Tuz
Alejandra’s Books
Alejandra’s Art Work (45 MB pdf)
Alejandra’s Memories (7 MB pdf)
Alejandra’s Notebook (13 MB pdf)
Audios of stories, songs, riddles and other items in the Mayan language by Alejandra, her family members,
and chants by various H-Menoob, etc.
Bolles Family Albums
Bolles Family Portraits by José Moya del Pino
Kim Family Photo Albums
Alejandra’s Photo Album (9 MB pdf)
Nochi’s Photo Album (11 MB pdf)
Nochi’s Travels in Oaxaca and Mexico (27 MB pdf)
Nochi’s Travels to Europe, Chiapas and Argentina (5 MB pdf)
Nochi’s Travels to the Orient (25 MB pdf)
Eastman Family